The TTC presents new solutions focused on actual safety situation
The company TTC reacts actively to actual safety situation in Europe. On 19 - 21 October 2016, TTC will present the solutions of actual safety themes at Future Forces Forum. The visitors of TTC stand at Future Forces Exhibition will be acquainted with several actual screenplays:
- The intelligent protection of green borders through the latest ICT tools
- The high-speed mobile infrastructure for crisis situations
- The solution for places of operations and interventions of defence/security forces
- The infrastructure and security for robotic and unmanned vehicles
Presented solutions follow on existing activities of TTC in the area of defence and security. The recently realized projects include delivery and integration of technologies for operational centres of medical rescue services in the Czech regions Královehradecký, Vysočina and Liberec.
Operational centre of medical rescue services in region Královéhradecký
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