HUTIRA–BRNO, s.r.o. Becomes a Platinum Partner of the Logistics Capability Workshop
We are delighted to announce that the Czech Company HUTIRA–BRNO, s.r.o. has joined to Future Forces Forum as a platinum partner of the Logistics Capability Workshop.
Company HUTIRA–BRNO, s.r.o. was founded in the year 1997. The company is engaged in addition to gas technology also a water treatment. The Hutira CCW containerized water treatment plants are the way to solve that is suitable for the army and security forces.
The water container treatment unit is designed for 2-stage treatment of surface and ground water.
The use and application of these treatment units are designed for:
- Treatment of surface water by clarification in acid, neutral, or alkaline areas of pH values of the reaction water by inorganic flocculating agents, possibly using organic flocculating agents;
- Separation of suspensions forming during the removal of iron and manganese and the removal of water by partial decarbonisation;
- Separation of suspensions forming during the reduction of calcium and magnesium ion content, especially the subsequent flocculation of inorganic or organic coagulants.
Future Forces Forum team is thrilled to welcome HUTIRA-BRNO, s.r.o. aboard as a Platinum Partner of the Logistics Capability Workshop.
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