AUDIOPRO Exhibits at Future Forces 2022
Audiopro will at Future Forces 2022 present communication systems with hearing protection, sets for covert communication, autonomous communication systems, large areas monitoring technologies, surveillance systems, personal-mobile and industrial (thermo) cameras for tactical deployment, systems for digital video transmission (COFDM), special optics as well as fuel cells or unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) incl. MESH networking technology and many more.
Audiopro has been operating on the Czech market since 2002. Audiopro’s Special Technologies department provides a key range of products which are targeted mainly at the emergency services IRS and Defence industry. These include for example communication systems with hearing protection, sets for covert communication, autonomous communication systems, large areas monitoring technologies, surveillance systems, personal-mobile and industrial (thermo) cameras for tactical deployment, systems for digital video transmission (COFDM), special optics as well as fuel cells or unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) incl. MESH networking technology and many more.
Audiopro is an authorized distributor of more than 50 foreign companies with professional AV technic. Audiopro equips various industrial and commercial premises, interiors and exteriors with technologies from the field of studio and sound systems. Through cloud services, videoconferencing and presentation equipment Audiopro offers tailor-made solutions to small as well as large companies.
Meet the Audiopro team at their booth at Future Forces 2022, Hall 3.
More information is available at
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