CTU Becomes the General R&D Partner of the Future Forces Forum
We are delighted to announce that the Czech Technical University in Prague has become the General R&D Partner of the Future Forces Forum (FFF). On 2 February 2016, Prof. Petr Konvalinka, the Rector of CTU, and Mr. Daniel Kočí, Managing Director of FFF, signed the General R&D Partnership Contract on campus.
The Czech Technical University in Prague is one of the biggest and oldest technical universities in Europe. It was founded on the initiative of Josef Christian Willenberg on the basis of a decree issued on 18 January 1707 by Emperor Josef I.
CTU currently has eight faculties (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Architecture, Transportation Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology) and about 23,000 students.
The university plays a key role in the development of robotics, unmanned systems, advanced sensors and cybersecurity in cooperation with security and defence agencies.
We are honoured that CTU has taken over the general R&D partnership, and we believe that our cooperation will provide significant benefits for FFF participants, as well as for the university, its staff and students. More information about CTU is available at www.cvut.cz/en.
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