Cyber Security Competition - National Final 2022
FUTURE FORCES FORUM supports the search for talent and motivation of cyber professionals. In cooperation with the Cyber Security Centre, FFF is preparing youth training. A major event held is the Czech National Cyber Security Competition for students aged 9-25. The final took place on Thursday 19 May in Pilsen. This unique project helps to develop not only professional knowledge in the field of cyber security, but also communication and presentation skills.
A recording of the finals can be viewed at FFF YouTube channel
The national final was accompanied by an educational and professional programme aimed not only at children, pupils and students, but also at the general public. Activities will include the following:
- mini-competitions in the field of digital literacy, information technology and cyber security
- demonstration of robots
- demonstration of drones
- demonstration of military technology
- sports and competition activities
- awareness-raising and professional workshops and seminars
- partner presentations
- JOB Fair ICT & Cyber Security
- live broadcast of the national final
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