Future Cyber Defence Conference | 09 - 10 November 2021
Active Defence against Social Engineering & Artificial Intelligence
Tue 9 November 2021 | 10.00 - 13.00
Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP966E_llFg
Social engineering techniques are based on the specifics of human decision-making, errors of judgment that are based on the imperfections of the human brain. What are the most common social engineering techniques and how can they be defended? Are there methods of active defense against social engineering? How can artificial intelligence help?
Cyber Threat Hunting
Wed 10 November 2021 | 10.00 - 13.00
Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9IemX4Fp_M
Searching for cyber threats is one of the methods of active cyber defense. It is a process of proactively and iteratively searching networks, endpoints, and datasets in order to "catch" malicious, suspicious, or risky activities that have been detected by existing tools. What are the modern methods and tools of Cyber Threat Hunting? What are the practical experiences from which to learn?
Program and detailed information is available at the conference website.
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