DVORAK INSTRUMENTS to Exhibit at Future Forces 2024
Dvorak Instruments is at the forefront of recoil simulation technology. The Dvorak Tetherless Recoil System or TRS and the Dvorak Air Recoil System or ARS are drop in recoil simulators that quickly and easily convert semi-automatic and automatic firearms into safe and effective training tools. Using compressed CO2 gas, the systems simulate recoil by acting on the gun’s bolt or slide to "cycle” the gun. Each system cycles the weapon exactly as it would during live shooting, simulating recoil and providing an audible report while marking the point of impact with the integrated laser for immediate training feedback. By using gas instead of live ammunition, a large number of simulated rounds can be fired at low cost in any training environment.
Installation of the Dvorak Tetherless Recoil System in M-16 / M-4 / AR-15 style riles
More information is available at www.dvorakinstruments.com
Meet DVORAK INSTRUMENTS Team at Future Forces 2024!
DVORAK INSTRUMENTS will present its portfolio in Hall 2 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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