LOM PRAHA Becomes a General Partner of the Future Forces Forum
We are delighted to announce that the Czech company LOM PRAHA has joined Future Forces Forum as a General partner.
LOM PRAHA s.p. is the leading company specializing on the Mi helicopters lifecycle support in the NATO and EU countries certified by the Russian MVZ Mil and OAO Klimov companies, the Interstate Aviation Committee MAK and domestic aviation authorities. This year, the company celebrates 100 years of its existence with a motto “100 years of passion for aviation”. Unlike many competitors, LOM PRAHA offers comprehensive services associated with overhauls, i.e. a complex support of the aviation technology lifecycle. Company’s experienced staff, utilization of advanced technologies and emphasis on top quality can be considered the greatest competitive advantage.
LOM PRAHA focuses, in particular, on overhauls, upgrades and modernizations of Mi-2, Mi-8/17, Mi-24/35 helicopters and their dynamic components (turboshaft engines, gearboxes and auxiliary power units) lifecycle support. Furthermore, the company also manufactures and repairs piston engines and propellers. LOM Praha also provides training for pilots in its Flight Training Centre in Pardubice.
VR Group, a.s., the company’s subsidiary, is providing comprehensive services regarding tactical simulation for aircraft, helicopters and ground forces training.
Future Forces Forum team is thrilled to welcome LOM PRAHA aboard as a General Partner.
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