Special Offer for Early Bird Registration! Special Conditions for Association Members!
The COUNTDOWN BEGINS! Book the exhibit space at Future Forces Exhibition with discount!
7% DISCOUNT on EXHIBIT SPACE ORDERS for application forms submitted till 30 November 2015
Association membership discount – 20% DISCOUNT on EXHIBIT SPACE ORDERS for association members.
Don´t miss the opportunity of participating in Future Forces Forum for favourable price. The new concept of international defence & security forum follows the recent successful exhibitions and conferences aimed at the future technologies and needs in the field of individual and common defence.
The last edition of the Future Forces Exhibition and concurrently held international workshops, panel discussions and official expert working groups’ meetings recorded enormous success among all participants. For the facts & figures and delegates overview from the recent show please see the Final Report 2014.
Application form and offer of stand construction
Exhibitor application form and basic offer of stand construction is available here. Please note that we are ready to provide you with a custom built stand according to your preferences and budget, just let us know your requirements or layout.
EARLY BIRD OFFER -7% on exhibit space
Exhibiting options and prices are available here.
ASSOCIATION DISCOUNT -20% on exhibit space
Special prices for association members are available here.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you need any further information or assistance regarding your possible participation in FFF 2016.
We greatly look forward to welcoming you at Future Forces Forum 2016, Prague.
Generálporučík (v.v.) Jaromír Zůna posiluje tým FFF
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