Unique Biometrics and Cyber Conference in Prague
A prestigious international conference on biometrics, cryptography and cyber security will take place on October 17-19, 2018, at the FUTURE FORCES FORUM in Prague, Czech Republic.
The conference will be attended by a number of significant domestic and foreign speakers and delegates, among others, author of worldwide known CrypTool Prof. Bernhard ESSLINGER from Germany, chief scientist Prof. Fabio Antonio BOVINO from Italy, or Executive Vice President and CIO Samsung Electronics Terry HALVORSEN. The topics such as quantum cryptography, personal data protection, and personal identities, smart borders, or current trends and future technologies in the area cyber security will be discussed within the conference and, in more detail, within the expert workshops.
In parallel, the biometric-cyber pavilion will take place, with the presentation of current technologies and with the so-called Hacking Zone showing the demonstrations of defense against cyber attacks and live hacking competitions.
Do not miss a unique opportunity to get acquainted with current topics, future trends and experts on biometrics, cryptography and cyber security and visit Future Forces Forum 2018 witch will become again a meeting hub of international experts in defence and security. Meet representatives of industry, international organizations, research and development, NATO working groups; and visit Future Forces Exhibiton with presentation of 150 international brands in defence and security.
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