COL Petr Hlavizna Ph.D.
Future Forces Výstava 2024
Future C2 konference 2024
Department of Intelligence Support, University of Defence, CZ: electromagnetic spectrum
A graduate of the doctoral programme in Military Management (2020). He has served in technical and staff positions in the fields of electromagnetic warfare and intelligence, including foreign posts. He is currently the Head of the Department of Intelligence Support at the University of Defence in Brno and is involved in intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, electromagnetic warfare and electromagnetic operations.
Electromagnetic environment as a factor in future warfighting
In the context of the New Era, it becomes evident that the electromagnetic environment (EME) must be taken into account. Although the North Atlantic Treaty Organization does not define EME as a separate operational domain, it is a crucial factor of the current and future operating environment to be considered. Electromagnetic energy, the presence of which shapes the EME, can be used in a wide range of applications that can inherently affect all so-called joint actions and joint functions, including command and control. Because the EME pervades all physical and non-physical domains of the battlespace and has the potential to directly and indirectly affect the audience of any military operation, it is a powerful tool for multiplying fighting power. Failure to develop a military-specific EMS activities is therefore as dangerous as underestimating or overestimating the capabilities of adversaries and enemies as well as believing that advanced military technology will remain sufficiently resilient to the effects of adversaries and enemies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
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